The Pilates Foundation

The Pilates Foundation is an international organisation for Pilates teachers and training. Founded in 1996, it brings together qualified Pilates teachers who are passionate about providing the highest standards of training and practice of Pilates and maintaining the principles and integrity of the work.
As a not-for-profit organisation, the Pilates Foundation is committed to establishing and maintaining certification, and continuing education standards at the very highest level.
All Pilates Foundation teachers are accredited members of the Pilates Foundation and must follow a strict Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.
The training period for the matwork qualification requires a minimum of 12 months to complete, and trainees are required to log a minimum of 450 hours of study in this time. At the end of the course, trainees are assessed teaching a class (practical assessment), will take a written theory exam, and hand in written coursework comprising of case studies and an essay.
To gain qualification in the studio apparatus, requires training for an additional 12-24 months, and trainees are required to log 800 hours of study, 400 of which involve teaching alongside a comprehensively qualified teacher. Trainees are then assessed practically and through written examination and coursework.
If you're thinking of using a teacher who has not qualified with the Pilates Foundation, consider asking the following questions to help you decide:
    * How long was their training?
    * Did they pass a theoretical and practical exam?
    * Were they required to do supervised teaching practice and for how long?
    * Have they taken a first aid course and are they insured to teach?
    * How many clients are there in a class?
    * Is the format of the class based on classical repertoire?